Welcome to Franklin Squash Club
Located in the heart of Pukekohe the Franklin Squash club is your one stop shop for year round fitness, day or night, rain or shine.
Online Squash Bookings
Members of our club can make court bookings online and come to the club for a friendly game against other members or visitors. This provides 24/7 access to the courts, provided they are not booked by other users or club activities. Emails are automatically sent out to confirm court bookings.
Communication with our members
The club’s email system is the main method the club uses to communicate with its members. There is also a notice board downstairs (outside court 1) that is used to give tournament and event information.
Bar, Lounge and Kitchen Facilities
After interclub, business house, ladder or tournament games, it is customary for the winner to offer the loser a drink. Our club has a great bar, lounge and kitchen facility. This is also for hire if not being used by the club. Any enquiries regarding hireage of the clubrooms should be directed to the club administrator via email to admin@franklinsquash.org.nz.
Our sponsors
Thanks to all our sponsors. We appreciate your support!